Life Processes Part -01 (English)
Before understanding biological processes, it is necessary for us to know who are living organisms?
All living organisms have some common characteristics that distinguish them from the inanimate. Some common symptoms of living organisms are as follows -
ЁЯФ║ living things move.
ЁЯФ║ Animals need food, air, and water.
ЁЯФ║ There is an increase in living organisms.
ЁЯФ║ breathes alive.
ЁЯФ║ In the living there is the action of excretion, the waste materials are released from the body.
ЁЯФ║ Live breeding.
ЁЯФ║ There is sensitivity in living.
What is Life Processes?
All organisms perform certain basic functions to keep themselves alive. The basic actions performed by living organisms to save their lives are called bio processes.
Such as nutrition, respiration, transport, excretion, control and coordination, growth or development, speed, reproduction, etc.
Energy is required to perform all types of biological processes. This energy comes from food from living beings. Food is the fuel that provides energy to the organisms. Chemical energy is derived from food as a result of chemical reactions, which they use to carry out their biological processes. The need of food is essential for all life processes, so we first look at nutrition in all organism processes.
Food is an organic substance. Which is in many forms from simple to complex. The process of ingesting and consuming food is called nutrition.
The word nutrition is derived from nutriment. Organic and inorganic substances required for organisms to survive are called nutrients. Nutrient can be defined as a substance that an organism receives from its environment and uses it as energy. Such as - carbohydrate, fat, protein etc.
The process of ingestion of nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mineral salts, vitamins, water) by organisms along with their use is called nutrition.
Nutrition Methods
1- Autotrophic
2- Heterotrophic
ЁЯФ╡ Autotrophic - In this type of nutrition, the organism makes food by taking simple substances (carbon dioxide, water) from around itself.
Green trees are the only self-cultivated method of nutrition in plants.
Green tree plants make their own food in the presence of sunlight with the help of chlorophyll, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water from the ground. This action is called photosynthesis.
All green plants are autotrophic.
ЁЯФ╡ Heterotrophic - In this method of nutrition the organism receives its food from other organisms, it cannot make its own food. All animals are found to have a nourished method of nutrition. All animals either directly or indirectly depend on autotrophic organisms for their food.
There are mainly 3 types of polluted methods -
1- Saprotrophic Nutrition
2- Parasitic
3- Holozoic
✅ Saprotrophic - In this type of nutrition the organism gets its food from dead plants, dead animals and rotten throat organic matter. Examples of this are Fungi, and Bacteria.
✅ Parasitic - In parasitic nutrition, one organism obtains its food from another organism without killing another. The organism that receives food from another organism is called a parasite. Such as Kilni, Leech, Lice, Amarbel, Laceworm etc.
✅ Holozoic - In this type of nutrition process, organisms ingest food in the form of complex organic materials, digest it inside their body and break it down into simple substances.
Such as - man, cat, dog, lion, bird etc.
In this issue in this section, we will study in detail the method of nutrition in plants and animals.
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